So Senator David Vitter-R from Louisiana introduced a flurry of government reform bills on the first day of the 1114th Congress. The complete list can be viewed here.
He might be on to something much bigger than intended. His intentions have already been questioned with some saying that what he is really after is the end of Obamacare. Maybe he is. But what if congress passed his No Exemption for Washington from Obamacare Act?
It just might make the system work because of the influx of the higher end incomes desperately needed for success. Vitter may also have introduced the reform needed for tax relief from soaring public sector health care costs right here on Main Street in DeKalb County Illinois.
What if the following language was [changed] throughout the entire scope of the proposal — and it passed in Washington DC and Sycamore?
“Unlike Members of Congress [public sector], folks across the country can’t create a special loophole to sidestep Obamacare or count on automatic pay raises each year,” Vitter said. “Americans of all backgrounds think that Washington [public sector] is on a different planet, and Members of Congress [public sector] just don’t get it. We need to get back to the best traditions of our democracy – including electing citizen legislators, making sure they don’t put themselves [public sector] into a separate ruling class […]”
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