Excitement began with tornado sirens and a funnel cloud over the skies of DeKalb. But even Mother Nature got her business done in time for the 2011 Kishwaukee Festival Parade. According to Embrey more than 60 organizations marched in the parade that began at Huntley Middle School and proceeded down South Seventh Street and Lincoln Highway to the Frank Van Buer Plaza on Second Street.
Festivities continue today at the Veteran’s Fest picnic, which starts at 11 a.m. at the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport and features Stroker Red and The Relics. The Drum & Bugle Corp competition, emceed by DeKalb’s very own Ivan Krpan, takes place tonight at 7pm at Huskie Stadium.
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Thank you MAC for the great media support of ALL the Kishwaukee Fest Events. I would like to thank all the volunteers and organizations that supported this ten day festival.
It’s only appropriate that Mark Biernacki on a bicycle that is going in circles and takes several people to operate. So many minds getting together on a project and NOTHING accomplished. Ironic, eh? Kind of how like Mr Biernacki handles the city’s finances. He gathers the the Finance committee with the city council to come up with an annual city budget,then ignores most of the rational discussion and suggestions and wanders aimlessly in the direction of giving himself a raise and raising taxes
Mark: Your comments were not appropriate regarding the parade … your bitterness should be addressed in a political forum, not on a community event that was created for the good of the citizen of DeKalb County. Your comments should address the FUN had by the families and children that enjoyed the Parade. Until you do something good for the community, please don’t use some other social media to enhance your lack of positive human tributes.
Inappropriate for this forum or not, it’s what a lot of people were saying. The stunt was about as entertaining as the ol’ dunk tank is.
What’s also inappropriate is getting personal and accusing someone of a) being bitter, b) doing nothing for the community, and c) lacking in positive attributes, just from a blog comment. I’ve read some unflattering things from and about you, too, Mr. Embrey. Should I judge you for them?
Please don’t judge me by any unflattering comments some may have or can attribute to me! Wait… then no one will… aahhhh forget it. 🙂
Self deprecating humor? I think that’s what those riding that bicycle intended. If not, it most certainly was the intent of whoever built it.
But humor can backfire and draw sharp criticism. Just imagine if Obama, Boehner, Reid, Ryan and Pelosi were peddling that bike.
None of the above should cast a shadow over the time and effort put in by the few for an event many enjoyed. A sunset parade added a nice touch to the summer of 2011. Thanks to all deserving.
Mike – Lighten UP! I’m not the one who got KICKED off the liquor commission for “you know what”. (Oh wait, correction: You resigned…hmmmmm) Do you really want me to get into this? I don’t think so.
Just like the DUNK tank mentioned above, it will be interesting to see if the “Biernacki GOING NOWHERE in circles Bike” is itemized in the City check register – just like the City blew taxpayer money on the dunk tank rental in 2010. I’ll be watching.
Pot, Meet Kettle – really Mark? I think you need to lighten up on this string. A lot of times I agree with you but not this time. Embrey worked very hard on Kishwaukee Fest with very little help. I’ve been in that situation and when it’s finally over, you’re completely exhausted and don’t take razzing as well as normal (I’m gonna assume he wouldn’t have used the term ‘lack of positive human tributes’ if he wasn’t exhausted). Embrey has done a great job with Kishwaukee Fest. He had nothing to do with that bike, nor did the City. It’s one of the bank’s bikes and was just an entry in the parade. Gotta acknowledge the good things going on around here too Mark or I’ll go crazy dwelling on the bad 😉
I made no criticism of Mr Embrey’s Kishwaukee Fest event. My comments dealt with one aspect of the parade video that was spotlighted on this forum. I have to assume that since it was posted here, that the forum to comment would be allowed. If rules of this forum have changed, and comments on subject matter highlighted on this website are no longer allowed, I stand corrected.
If you take the time to review my initial comment in this thread you will note that there was no criticism of the event and there was no insult to Mr Embrey’s work or anyone who was involved in the organization of this event.
That being said, Mr Embrey decided to go ballistic spewing personal insults. Mr Embrey obviously has issues he needs to deal with. Anger management comes to mind.
Kishwaukeefest was a wonderful event, however, Mr Embrey’s anger issues have now cast a negative afterglow on the event in my mind. Thanks Mike! You have found a great way to turn a huge positive for the community into a negative
Did this festival have to go through the same hoops as CornFest to gain access to the airport?
I think Mike Embrey and Sue Johnson did a heckuva job getting the various events to cooperatively market their festivals. But I think the local Vets did the shindig at the airport. The responsibility of maintaining compliance with its Grant Assurances as a State Block Grant airport rests with the City of DeKalb, not the event promoter.
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When I was a kid, folks stood up when the flag passed by parades, especially when carried by the military–what happened?
I thanked the small number of people who did stand up when the flag passed them.