Kishwaukee College Continuing Education and the University of Illinois Extension DeKalb County Master Gardeners will once again be hosting the 2014 Gardener’s Pathway – Spring’s First Gardening Joy, on Saturday February 22, from 7:30 a.m. – 3:00p.m. at the Kishwaukee College Conference Center. Advanced registration is required by February 17. Workshops have limited seating space and sessions will be filled in the order registrations are received.
The day will begin with a keynote address by nationally renowned gardening expert Melinda Myers. Melinda has over 30 years of horticulture experience and has written over 20 gardening books. She is the host of the nationally syndicated “Melinda’s Garden Moment” segments which air on over 135 TV and radio stations throughout the U.S., as well as The Great Courses: How to Grow Anything DVD series. She is a columnist/contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine, writes the Gardeners’ Questions newspaper column and Gardening How-To magazine column. Melinda’s keynote address is titled “Creating a Colorful Garden Filled with Color, Form and Year Round Interest.”
Following the keynote presentation, participants will choose from a selection of 18 workshops ranging from preserving food safely to body smart gardening. Other topics include butterflies, roses, new for 2014, gifts from the garden, garden tips and tricks, forcing bulbs and branches, native plants in the home landscape, lasagna gardening, understanding wildlife in the garden, and many more. Melinda Myers will also present a breakout session titled “Healthful Gardening in Any Available Space.”
The workshop fee is $60.00, which includes a continental breakfast, lunch, welcome bag and selected handouts. In addition to the workshops, a wide variety of vendors will be present at the Exhibit Hall including: Blumen Gardens, DeKalb Area Garden Club, DeKalb County Community Garden, Farm & Fleet, Heinz Brothers, Redbud Creek Farm, SIDEKICK by Sharon, The Garden Market, Wasco Nursery, Wild Ones of Rock River Valley and more. A variety of Melinda Myers’ books and DVDs will also be available for purchase at a discounted rate. Melinda will sign books upon purchase. Only cash or check will be accepted for book purchases.
To register for Gardener’s Pathway call 815-825-2086, ext. 2040, or mail in your registration form. A link to the registration form and complete brochure with session descriptions can be found at
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