Jonamac Orchard, Inc. is proposing to expand the range of recreational activities that are part of the agriculture- based entertainment on the property located at 19412 Shabbona Road in Malta Township. The new uses would include: the use of the property as a venue to host public and private events outside of their fall season; the production and sale of local pre-packaged “beer”; and, allow for the consumption of local wine, local hard cider, and local craft beer on-site. They are also seeking approval for the future construction of an education center, an observation deck, a band shell/stage, improved admissions buildings, a concession building, a picnic shelter, restroom structures, and a wrap-around porch on the main store. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural District and the agriculture-based entertainment operates under a Special Use Permit. The proposed changes to Jonamac Orchard require approval of an Amendment to the Special Use Permit. Before a Special Use Permit can be amended by the DeKalb County Board, a public hearing must be held before the DeKalb County Hearing Officer.
Jonamac Orchard, Inc. is requesting approval of such an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for the proposed improvements to the agritainment use at 19412 Shabbona Road. A public hearing will be held before the DeKalb County Hearing Officer on Thursday, May 4, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East, south entrance, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, 60178. Because this will be the only opportunity for public input on this application, all interested persons are encouraged to attend and be heard. The Special Use Permit petition, MA-17-06, is available for inspection at the DeKalb County Planning, Zoning and Building Department, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, (815) 895-7188.
Parcel 1
The North 1100.0 feet of the West 1,584.36 feet of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 40 North, Range 3, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Malta Township, DeKalb County, Illinois.(containing 40.0 acres)
P.I.N. 07-26-300-004 & 07-26-300-006
Parcel 2
The South 1405.00 feet of the West 2015.29 feet (as measured along the South and West sides) of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 40 North, Range 3, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Malta Township, DeKalb County, Illinois. (containing 65.0 acres)
P.I.N. 07-26-100-004
The application for the Special Use Permit has been filed in accordance with the requirements of Section 9.02 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to approve the expansion of a large-scale agritainment use on property zoned A-1, Agricultural District.
Marcellus Anderson, Assistant Planner
DeKalb County Planning, Zoning & Building
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Too expensive now….expansion means it will cost patrons more

Great news!!!

We love Jonamac. We live on South Malta Road and we know when the orchard opens because the traffic on our 30 mph “country” road increases 10 fold. While a good percentage of people who use our road are respectful of speed limits many of them are cruising by a speeds well above the posted limit.

WOW. Good luck!!

Nick Nagele

If it’s up to dekalb they will screw it up build a mattress store or another Walmart instead

Actually, our land is zoned agricultural, so only agriculturally based business can take place here, and we have no plans to change that! 🙂 No Wal-Mart or Matress store here!

Hahahahaha no one would go to a box store at a remote farm in Malta IL. Sounds like more business would mean more taxes for the community year round. Good luck Jonamac!

I love the idea I love jonamac just don’t have good luck with dekalb doing things to help small business
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Sounds like a good addition to Malta and expanded venue opportunities