Candidate’s Name: John Rey
Office you are seeking: Mayor
Unit of Government: City of DeKalb
Candidate’s website address:
Response to the budget crunch
- Unfortunately, taxes and fees must be increased to meet expenditures. Strongly Disagree
- Expenditures must be reduced to meet the revenue. It’s that simple. Strongly Agree
- Taxes are high enough so let’s raise fees. Disagree
- This is a time to lean on staff for their recommendations. Strongly Agree
- It’s time to hire a consultant and get a report that will guide us through these tough times. Strongly Disagree
- Hold the line on taxes. Use the rainy day fund to cover expenses. Things have got to get better. Disagree
Comment: I expect staff to deliver a balanced budget – expenditures being equal or less than revenues. We have achieved growth in the General Fund reserve balance to Council’s goal of 25%. I am not quick to tax and spend. I am not inherently against raising taxes and fees; however, I do not want to place an undue burden on taxpayers, who cannot afford higher taxes. We need to determine the services citizens value and are willing to pay for. I am not in favor of regressive taxes. My preference is to see people pay for services they use – paying more as consumption rises or ability to pay increases. I expect staff to present recommendations for a balanced budget with upsides and downsides, that is, pros and cons. This allows Council to accept a scenario that’s within desired policy. Consultant services can be useful and justified when internal staff time or expertise is limited – not to present a balanced budget scenario. Consultants can bring specialized knowledge, experience into the decision making process. Balancing the budget must be done by staff with Council’s policy direction. Using rainy day fund reduces flexibility and increases risk or results in poor delivery of services. The long-term view must be taken – payback of any temporary use of rainy day funds must be a goal.
Q3: What services would you seek to enhance or expand during your term?
I would seek to enhance those services where the benefit to taxpayers or users offsets the increased burden. I only support enhancing or expanding those services that increase the quality of life for the community. Emergency 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) will be consolidated with County and DeKalb Police mandated per State of Illinois law. Expanded service will result in additional revenue to offset the additional costs.
Q4: What services would you cut or reduce to balance the budget?
I would cut or reduce services that do not negatively impact the quality of life for citizens. Inefficient services should be curtailed. Non-core services should be reviewed first to determine if they are justified. We need to answer is there a better more efficient, less expensive solution?
Q5: What makes you uniquely qualified for the position you are seeking?
I have been doing the job since 2013. I know what it takes. I am a proven leader experienced in managing teams and know Council–staff relationship. I am comfortable working with human networks – local community, state and national. I do respond to constituents and am accountable. I have a passion and spirit for serving my community. During my first term, we have improved City government, responding to community needs.
Q6: What does open, transparent government mean to you?
Open, transparent government means keeping public information accessible to the public. We must make strides to inform and engage citizens in local government – constructively and responsibly.
Q7: What changes to your community are needed?
Needed changes include:
Citizen Involvement – more constructive citizen engagement
Jobs – attraction of living wage jobs
Housing – maintaining quality housing options.
Crime – crime needs to be reduced.
Infrastructure – adequate maintenance, rebuild of roads need to be funded. The asset management assessment of capital needs must have the revenue sources identified. (How will these be paid for – needs to be answered.)
Personnel – performance based evaluation needs to be implemented throughout City staff.
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It’s a shame that Mr John Rey Dekalb Mayor has done the opposite of what he says in the questionnaire for the last 4 years. Did his opposite twin answer this questionnaire?
Who are you backing mark
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