Lehan Drugs
When the Affordable Care Act went into place last August, one of the sections of the act addressed “Comprehensive Coverage for Women’s Preventative Care.” One of the eight new preventative services included in this section addressed breastfeeding coverage:
Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling: Pregnant and postpartum women will have access to comprehensive lactation support and counseling from trained providers, as well as breastfeeding equipment. Breastfeeding is one of the most effective preventive measures mothers can take to protect their health and that of their children. One of the barriers for breastfeeding is the cost of purchasing or renting breast pumps and nursing related supplies.
So, what does that mean for you? Well, as a result of this language, insurance companies are now required to cover some type of breastfeeding equipment (either manual or electric breast pump, typically) for mothers who wish to nurse their children. While coverage levels and equipment types covered vary by insurance company, some type of equipment must be covered. For some insurance plans “grandfathered in” under the previous regulations, this may mean only a manual breast pump is covered. Other plans cover a portion or all of the purchase price of a top of the line double electric breast pump.
As an accredited durable medical equipment (DME) provider, Lehan Drugs is able to 1) find out the type of breast pump coverage under your health plan and 2) bill insurance on your behalf for coverage of a breast pump.
Lehan’s bills all major insurances and carries a high quality line of breast pumps including Hygeia and Ameda, so if you are a nursing mother or soon will be, please contact us and we would be happy to help you figure out your policy coverage details!
Insurances that we bill include:
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- Humana
- Cigna
- Aetna
- Illinois Medicaid
- Health Alliance
Questions or concerns? Give us a call at 815-758-0911 or email us at info@lehandrugs.com!
Yours in Health,
The Lehan Drugs Team
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