Happy Columbus Day! We are open with our normal weekend activities and pricing today. This includes: Apple Train, Apple Cannon and Launcher, our Kettle Corn Barn, Petting Zoo, Jumping Pillow, Barn Yard Play Area, and free hayrides to the pumpkin patch. Our Corn Maze will also be open today starting at 10:00am. Everything will remain open unless we get significant rain showers.
The Apple Cart Concessions will be closed today, and there are no Pony Rides or Wine Sampling today.
Thank you to everyone who came out to make our Apple Picking Season so wonderful this year! We are now done with our u-pick apples for the season, but there are still plenty of fresh picked apples in the store.
To celebrate the end of a great year in u-pick apples, post your favorite photo picking apples this season! One post will win a free apple pie from our bakery to celebrate our 30th Anniversary in our 30 Pies in 30 Days Challenge for the day! Here is one of our favorite photos from some pickers this year…
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