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I just bookmarked that blog.

I think Mac's Flip Video captured the images of the Military Convoy that came through almost a month ago:
If he does not like being called a "local online journalist," I am sure I will be the second to know!

The road was on the council agenda within the past couple months. I will try to remember to look for it this week.

Thanks for the information on the concrete! I knew someone here would know what is going on with that. It must be a 'green' business, 'recycling' concrete. π $2 million+ is out of my price range. I know my property taxes are getting out of my price range.
I was feeling a little better until I saw the news that three firefighters got laid off. It was the Fire Department's EMTs who picked me up two weeks ago. One of them made sure my black and white cat did not make a break for it out the door to chase the bunnies.

Hi Kay, Hope you're feeling better. That land on Lincoln Hwy. is the Elliot Business Park. The Elliot's are local people. They got approval for that almost a year ago I think. I believe that they have one lot sold and two lots for sale (total of 3 lots going there). The concrete there will be crushed up for road beds and such. The other lots are listed for sale and can be seen at…
Hope that helps!

I think that land by the florist belongs to some Rockford (construction or blacktop) company. It does appear that they are using it to dump. i also thought I heard they were t build some type of building on the front of the lot.

That's going to be the new street that was approved a couple months ago I think.

I wonder if the NCAA allows UNLV to have gambling at its basketball games . . .
I want to see the Convo Center filled for the next women's basketball game against Bowling Green. The last time they played, I sat close enough that I heard their coach use the F-word, I yelled at him, and he heard me. That coach was obnoxious and I would love to see a lot more fans in the stands the next time he is here.
I wish someone could lease that land west of the Convo Center, move that giant dirt pile around a bit, and have skiing and sledding, without using any tax dollars, of course.
Speaking of giant piles, does anyone have any clue what is going on in the land on 38, just west of the DeKalb Florist on Peace? It looks like a dumping ground for used concrete right now.

Pevo. After the past year's attrition 70 members is probably closer to 30%, which actually makes what you might be implying more likely. I'd still like for the question to be asked and answered, though.

Lynn I can only guess but in the FY09 budget it cost the city 3.8 million for health care. Given the AFSCME has about 70 members lets estimate they account for approx 25% of the total cost which is 950k. 5% of that would be $47,500.00.
Where did they just cut 50k==== Social Services

I forgot to sign up to ask how much that 5% "contribution" that we're picking up on the health insurance will cost us, darnit — but how many times can one get up before they bring back the timer?!?

I believe the required notice was given 45 days in advance of July 1. Chronicle commenters were talking weeks ago about the notifications having gone out. When was the wage freeze idea floated publicly? I was first aware that they were considering it when I read the EPI report, posted 1 May. This has been in the works for at least a couple months. Also, it's the notification that triggers the AFSCME provision to consider an alternative to layoffs (maybe w/the other unions, too, but the AFSCME contract is freshest in memory).
If you want that skating rink to be a draw for your sidewalk cafe, Ivan, you'd better get out there with a weed whacker. Some out-of-town shoppers were commenting on its seedy appearance last weekend.

You know what Kay, you got something going here. I way to finally fill the convocation center on the night of basketball games. Build a room similiar to the Cadillac Club at Soldier Field (It has a new sponsor name now) but they can call it the Huskie Club Room. 2 to 4 dozen games there and the Convo's parking lot is full for the evening. Maybe they could even comp parking if you spend $100.00 or more in the new "Huskie Club Room" NIU does not need DeKalb's blessing on this and I'm sure the State would OK it for the purpose of much needed revenue.
Our city council is going to botch this deal too. By time they make a motion to change the liquor ordiance to allow these gaming tables, people will already be headed out of town and the local establishments will end up closing to due lack of revenue.
Heck, it took what 3 plus years to get this ordinance ready for a final vote? What would it have taken to give it another month or two? Plain stupidity. Stupid is as stupid does, isn't that what a famous American hero once said?
I am still prepared to sign a lease for a sidewalk area. I'm ready to order my equipment, chairs and tables. I'm hoping to be able to be ready to open if and when the skating rink starts to become second nature to the children in this community looking to do outdoor ice skating in mid summer.

For the next interview, someone should ask the mayor if he wants the trucks delivering gaming devices to other towns to re-route themselves around the city.
Sorry, I am having way too much fun with this. A long time ago I joked with an NIU administrator that the only way to find money to refurbish the Stevens Building (which leaked rainwater when I was a student almost *twenty years* ago) was to build a casino. Sure enough, the way the state will pay for the repairs will be through gambling.

The next paragraph down says no one can bring any kind of gaming device into the city:
a) No person shall bring into the City or have in his possession, in the City, for the purpose of gaming, any table, thing or device of any kind or nature, whereon or with which money or any other thing of value, may in any manner be played for."
One cannot set up a device on the sidewalk if one cannot bring it into the city. That blows that idea. Further down, there is also no betting on horses but I did not see anything about NCAA basketball brackets. π

The sidewalk cannot be "in" a non-liquor establishment, or a "house" or "place."

I think we have a bona fide business idea for Ivan's sidewalk proposal, a video gaming establishment. π

I thought it was funny in the Flip Report when Mayor Povlsen said that he wasn't sure on the games as of yet and that he thought that this should involve public discussion.
Why have a public discussion on this now? What else are they really having a public discussion on no wait what public discussion is it that they are really listening to?
What a joke, every other community will more than likely allow the gaming with the exception of DeKalb. More revenue lost to other communities.

P.S. on the subject. Besides the gambling revenue the machines are considered amusement devices and I believe the city has a $200.00 per machine tax already in place.
So lets say 200 machines at $200.00 is 40 k before anyone even plays one

"City attorney Norma Guess felt that striking the language from the revised liquor codes would be “putting the cart before the horse.” She cited the fact that no liquor establishment had contacted her to express their interest in having video gaming." What!? Is she kidding us? My head continues to spin because of our council, school board, and ReNew DeKalb, and I'm more than ready to get sick. This is shocking but not surprising. Why is it that the people making the decisions lack common sense? Did Ms. Guess stop to think that prior to Monday video gaming was not an option, so why would anyone inquire about it? Here's an opportunity to help get us out of the financial hole we're in and they're not willing to do it?? Absolute nonsense!

Ditto Ed. It would be funny if it wasn't such blatant example of the anti-business attitude we have here in DeKalb.
Not even our Chamber seems willing to stand up for our businesses. Have we heard from them at all during the last year or two of sales tax increases? But that's ok. Don't include them in the cuts in funding that social services are getting (and RENEW offered on their own). We will just fully fund the Chamber without discussion. (Snark value=2) π

Mac I had to laugh when I heard the city attorney state she was not sure if the DeKalb bar owners even wanted video gambling machines.
If I were a bar owner my postion would be.. How many machines can I get and how soon can I get them in operation.

Pevo… not to complicate your math but I believe a 45 notice prior to any layoffs is required.
Thanks for figuring out the math though. I have not seen any adaptive language in the budget to reflect those costs.

RE: Video Gaming
On the same day the State of Illinois passed a law allowing video gaming the DeKalb City Council approved changes to Chapter 38, regarding liquor establishments, that bans video gaming. The City also has ordinances (Chapter 52) that bans video gaming in non-liquor establishments. Prior to Gov. Pat Quinn's signature on HB255, which made it law (effective Jan. 1, 2010) video gaming was banned by state law.
HB255 is the funding source for the $31-plus billion State Capital Improvement law (also passed yesterday). NIU will receive $8 million for Cole Hall and over $22 million for the Stevens Building renovations.
Full text of HB255:…
Selected excerpt 1: "Licensed truck stop establishment" means a facility that is at least a 3-acre facility with a convenience store and with separate diesel islands for fueling commercial motor vehicles and parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles as defined in Section 18b-101 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
Note: The above excerpt clearly shows that this law affects far more than DeKalb's liquor establishments. Might the DeKalb Oasis (I88) qualify as a truck stop establishment? You bet!
Selected excerpt 1: Referendum. Upon the filing in the office of the clerk, at least 90 days before an election in any municipality or county, as the case may be, of a petition directed to such clerk, containing the signatures of not less than 25% of the legal voters of that municipality or county, the clerk shall certify such proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition at such election to the voters of such municipality or county.
This excerpt explains what non-home rule communities and all counties (other than Cook) procedures are for rejecting video gaming in their jurisdiction. I tried to get the city council to strike the ban language from the revised Chapter 38. I failed.
City attorney Norma Guess felt that striking the language from the revised liquor codes would be "putting the cart before the horse." She cited the fact that no liquor establishment had contacted her to express their interest in having video gaming.
I think the city should follow the state's policy that those who would oppose the revenue source video gaming provides be required to take action to prohibit it. Instead, according to Norma Guess, it appears the business community will have to fight to get DeKalb to comply with state law. Pro or anti business?
The city council thinks (or says) it can always strike such language from Ch. 38 and 52. I think the fact that it took this council more than three years to revise Chapter 38 suggest that bureaucracy may prevail and significant and much needed revenue will be delayed. Meanwhile, neighboring communities will once again enjoy a competitive advantage over DeKalb.

Mac. Back to the math tables.
If the average FF earns 88k per year and 3 are to be laid off 88k x 3 = 264k.
264k divided by 365 = about $725.00 per day
So far the city has delayed laying off 3 FF as of today July 14, 14 days
14 times 725 equals $10,150.00. If they wait until the end of July 31 days times 725 equals $22,475.00.
My question is where is this money coming from. The CC cannot find 50 k to fund social services where will they find the 22k to delay these layoffs. Anyone care to answer???
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local online journalist is 21 letters so I am ok with it. I'm usually assigned 4 letter names. π That was a cool parade. And that's a cool website, Kay. π