A Bicentennial Coin Contest is underway to create a coin that will celebrate the 200th birthday of the State of Illinois. Contestants are invited to design one side of the coin.
Design entries must be submitted by May 1, 2018, at www.IllinoisCoinContest.com. The winning design will be used for the commemorative bicentennial coin and the coin will be available for purchase. One entry per contestant. Contestants must be a resident of Illinois.
Medallion Design Specification Chart.
In June, the public will vote online to choose the winner from five finalists. The winner will be announced on June 18, 2018. To read contest rules, terms and legal conditions, please visit www.IllinoisCoinContest.com.
The State of Illinois will celebrate its 200th birthday on December 3, 2018. This is the date Illinois became the 21st state in the union. The Illinois Bicentennial is a yearlong celebration of what has been born, built and grown in the state and a reminder of why we are #IllinoisProud. Citizens are encouraged to participate in the celebration by visiting www.illinois200.com and using the hashtag #IllinoisProud.
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