There is a very good chance that your kitchen is not as energy-efficient as it could be. Take a look around to find ways to curb your utility costs, and to put more money back in your own pocket.
Consider the following tips when looking for energy saving solutions in your kitchen:
Stove strategies.
Try firing up your microwave or toaster oven as an energy-saving alternative to heating up your oven or range when fixing meals. If you do decide to use your stove-top, be sure that you keep the burners clean; this will help it to reflect heat better and make it more efficient. Try turning the burner off just before cooking time is over to utilize the residual heat of the burners to finish cooking your food.
Functional freezing.
Every time the freezer gets opened, warm air is let in that increases your kitchen energy usage. The best way to prevent that is to maintain a fairly full freezer at all times. Consider picking up a couple extra loaves of inexpensive bread at the grocery store to help fill in the gaps in your freezer, and to insulate it against warmth each time the door is opened.
Chilly conservation.
Make sure your refrigerator door is closing tightly, in order to conserve energy in the kitchen. Test your magnetic strip along the door by placing a single sheet of paper in between the door of the fridge. If it slides down, it is time to replace the magnet with something more secure.
Try these simple strategies to conserve energy in your kitchen, and to potentially lower your utility costs every month. Begin looking for ways to curb energy when preparing, cooking, or simply spending time in your kitchen; you may be surprised by how much money you can save!
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