Kishwaukee College welcomed Enbridge representatives to campus on December 14 and accepted a $5,000 donation to Kishwaukee College Foundation for the Enbridge Energy Company Pipeline Industry Awareness Scholarship.
The Scholarship was established in 2015 and is intended for students at Kishwaukee College who are enrolled in the Automated Engineering Technology Program or Welding Technology Program. The scholarship fund will provide five scholarships worth $1,000 each that will be dispersed in two payments for Spring 2018 and Fall 2018 to the student recipients. Interested students may apply at the Kishwaukee College Foundation offices located in the Kishwaukee College Administration Offices (C2160).
Enbridge Inc. is North America’s premier energy infrastructure company with strategic business platforms that include an extensive network of crude oil, liquids and natural gas pipelines, regulated natural gas distribution utilities and renewable power generation. The Company safely delivers an average of 2.8 million barrels of crude oil each day through its Mainline and Express Pipeline, and accounts for nearly 68% of U.S.-bound Canadian crude oil production, and moves approximately 20% of all natural gas consumed in the U.S. serving key supply basins and demand markets. Enbridge also has a growing involvement in electricity infrastructure with interests in more than 2,500 MW of net renewable generating capacity, and an expanding offshore wind portfolio in Europe.
The Company has ranked on the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations index for the past eight years. Enbridge has a long history of commitment to supporting educational opportunities. The establishment of the Enbridge Energy Company Pipeline Industry Awareness Scholarship at Kishwaukee College is a demonstration of the company’s support of technical education.
For more information on Enbridge visit For more information on Kishwaukee College, visit To contact the Kishwaukee College Foundation, email or call 815-825-9507.
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Photo Caption: Representatives from Enbridge were at Kishwaukee College on December 14 to present President Laurie Borowicz with a check for $5,000 for the Enbridge Energy Company Pipeline Industry Awareness Scholarship. Pictured are, L to R: Irisa Hescott, Malta, scholarship recipient; Adrian Lopez, Sycamore, scholarship recipient; Bill Nicklas, Executive Director of the Kishwaukee College Foundation; Dr. Laurie Borowicz, President of Kishwaukee College; Jim Connors, Community Ambassador for Enbridge; John Gauderman, Director, Great Lakes Region, for Enbridge; Jun Chen, DeKalb, scholarship recipient; Dave Bareham, Area Manager for Enbridge; Bernie Pupino, Coordinator-Career Technologies at Kish; and Representative Bob Pritchard.
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