John Rey, candidate for mayor of DeKalb, submitted his survey response on Feb. 25. Evidently there was some sort of cyberspace glitch between the SurveyMonkey system and the email address used by the Rey campaign website that caused a delay in his response.
Rey initially declined to participate in the survey because he felt he didn’t have the time to devote to the survey in its format of agree-disagree. “I am going to have to pass this DeKalb County Online opportunity at this time – just do not have time to devote to the survey in its format of agree-disagree. I find many of the queries require qualification. I do not have the time to prioritize this at this time. Sorry to disappoint you,” wrote Rey in an email.
David Jacobson, Jennifer Groce and Mike Verbic had all provided their response but publishing the survey was delayed in attempts to get Rey’s participation.
On Feb. 25, Rey submitted his survey response and wrote, “I have completed your survey this morning – just transmitted via Survey Monkey. Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in on these issues.”
The three other candidates did not have the opportunity to purview their opponents’ answers as did Rey. In his survey response Rey chose not to participate in the “range of agreement” portion of the survey. In an attempt to be fair to all we removed the “range of agreement” tables and added Rey’s additional comments following those of the other candidates. To review the original survey click here.
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