- 6,500 Members benefited from Farm Bureau programs & services.
- 20 Students earned Farm Bureau & Foundation college scholarships.
- 3,500 Students and 150 Teachers were reached with Ag in the Classroom presentations.
- 10 Issues of the new Connections magazine were mailed to members with a focus on food and farming features.
- 13 Teachers participated in the Summer Ag Institute and shared ag information with 325 students.
22 Farm Bureau Directors executed FB policy and represented agriculture.
- 250 Prime Timers enjoyed entertaining programs and tours.
- 400 Students and their teachers visited local farms and were introduced to grain and livestock farming in field trips.
- 5,500 People milked Maggie the Cow at the county fair and other events.
- 11 Foundation Directors reignited the Foundation to generate funds and expand our agricultural outreach.
- 950 Farmers were represented by Farm Bureau on county regulatory, planning and zoning, and drainage issues.
- 124 Ag Books were donated to elementary and middle-school libraries.
- 25 Families received Baby Baskets filled with ag-related products during National Ag Week.
- 590 Children & Adults benefitted from ag literacy through summer programs in the community.
- 2 Ag Zoning County Amendments were changed to redefine agriculture and modify agribusiness language to reflect modern agriculture, with Farm Bureau support.
- 75 Children learned safety tips at Farm Bureau’s Farm Safety Camp.
- 9 Candidates were endorsed by FB’s Political Committee in the General Election.
- 50 Members participated in the annual Health Clinic and screenings.
Read more in the DeKalb County Farm Bureau’s Connections Magazine
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