Cortland residents might be wondering if they have any representation in the landfill expansion issue. Who would blame them?
Their mayor and town council agreed to not object to Waste Management of Illinois’ siting application to expand and accept 2,000 tons of garbage per day from 17 northern Illinois counties. The Town Board also agreed, in writing, not to help anyone else who might object to the plans.
In return the Town Board accepted $1 million cash, $1 per household per month administrative fee, $30,000 cash for its volunteer fire department and a discount on garbage collection fees.
Cortland folk can’t count on their County Board members to represent them. Thanks to an appointed administration induced gag order if a Cortlandian calls his/her representative s/he might be verbally chastised for trying “to influence a judge.”
A meeting or so after the full County Board votes to approve the siting application, if all goes as planned, they’ll vote to sell enough general obligation bonds to help expand a courthouse and jail. Then they’ll be spending the rest of the $4.5 million a year tipping fees they get for voting in Waste Management’s favor.
It could easily seem to be that elected officials have completely ignored the concerns of those who know what’s going on at the landfill across the highway from the new Cortland Elementary School.
Not so fast.
Read this excerpt from the March 9, 2009 Cortland Township Meeting:
New Business:
Discussion of landfill extension — The county board will be holding a meeting on whether the landfill should be expanded. If we think it is against the public good, should we send an objection? A meeting will be held on Wednesday March 18, 7:00 pm at the County Administration Building. David made a motion that a resolution be written to oppose the agreement between the County and Waste Management’s expansion to accept more garbage from outside DeKalb County because it will create problems (health, transportation, roads,) for DeKalb County. The motion was seconded by Nancy and a Roll Call vote followed:Nancy [Sherman], AYE; Paul [Balika], AYE; John [Wartenbe], AYE; David [Yeager], AYE; Lydia [Johnson], AYE;
And here is the Resolution:
Whereas, there was adopted on the 9th day of MARCH, 2009, by the Cortland Township Board, Cortland Township, DeKalb County, Illinois, at its regular meeting, a Resolution which passed unanimously providing for the Township to relay to the DeKalb County Board the following;
In the interest of the residents of Cortland Township we oppose the agreement between the County and the Landfill (Waste Management) which includes expansion and generated garbage from outside the confines of DeKalb County. This opposition arises because of the possible increase in traffic; road hazards; financial losses and health concerns are among our dissent. The County Board has previously approve two waste water systems located in Cortland Township. It is our feelings that the ECO system cannot support additional facilities. ADOPTED this 9th day of March, 2009, by the Board of Cortland Township, DeKalb County, Illinois.
Funny, this Resolution was never mentioned by the county board or the plethora of WMI-paid expert witnesses at the Public Hearing on the landfill.
Withholding evidence?
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