Corn Fest will be back downtown DeKalb August 29-31 and the Corn Fest committee is notifying the community about the festival layout and several road closures. The carnival will be located in the city lots of Glidden, Ellwood, and Haish, which are located between Oak and Locust Street off of 2nd and 3rd Street. The carnival will also be in the parking lots of Ronan-Moore-Finch Funeral Home and Frontier Communications. These parking lots will close Tuesday, August 26th at 4pm and will remain closed until Monday, September 1st for carnival set up and take down.
Closures for Thursday, August 28th at 3pm are as follows:
- Lincoln Hwy. between 1st and 4th Street
- Locust Street between 2nd and 4th Street
- 2nd Street from the railroad tracks north to Oak Street
- 3rd Street from the railroad tracks north to Oak Street *with the exception of traffic from First State Bank that will exit on to 3rd Street to Locust Street to proceed to 4th Street until Saturday, August 30th at noon
- The city parking lot behind the DeKalb Chamber, Embrey Lot. A limited number of parking spaces will be open for customers of Chesapeake Bagel.
There will be signs posted by the City of DeKalb in advance as a reminder. Any vehicles in violation will be towed at the owner’s expense.
The city lots at 4th and Grove and 2nd and Grove will remain open throughout the festival. There will also be street parking on Locust Street on the east side of 4th Street available for use. For questions call the Corn Fest Committee at 815.748.2676
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