The City of DeKalb receives approximately $400,000 in Federal Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) funds each year. The use of CDBG funds must meet at least one
of the National Objectives of benefiting low and moderate income citizens, aiding in the
elimination of slum and blighted areas, or meeting an urgent need (i.e. a national
The City is in the process of developing a new Consolidated Plan (“Plan”) for the future use of CDBG funds. The Plan will cover the years 2020 – 2024 and will identify the City’s priorities for the use of these funds. Please assist us by filling out a Community Needs
Survey. Results from the survey will be used to help guide City decision-makers in how the funds will be used to meet community needs. Your feedback is a crucial part of the
process of determining the current needs in the City of DeKalb.
You can access the survey using the following link:
Print copies will also be available at City Hall, the office at University Village, and the
DeKalb Public Library. Answers to this questionnaire are confidential.
The deadline for completing the survey is November 15, 2019.
If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Rouse, Community Services
Coordinator at or via telephone at 815-748-2366.
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