Community member’s, local businesses, students, and alumni are invited to be part of NIU’s 111th Homecoming by participating in the Northern Lights Homecoming Parade on Thursday October 5 at 7p.m. The evening parade has become a new tradition that continues to grow every year. This year the parade will feature a new route running through the heart of Huskie Country on Lucinda Avenue between Gilbert Dr. and the Chick Evan’s Field House. Spectators will have great places to park and watch all along the route and parking is free after 5 p.m. Participants will love the crowds and ease of logistics. So plan to attend or even better sign up today to be part of the parade! Parade registration closes on Thursday, September 28th at 4 p.m. So PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY!
Here’s how:
1. Go to and click on “2017 Homecoming Application Packet”
2. Read Information on the first page and click “Next”
3. Review NIU Homecoming Calendar of Events and click “Next”
4. Select “Community Member/Alum” as your role in Homecoming 2017
5. Select all the events you wish to participate in
6. Fill out the necessary applications for the events you are participating in
7. Once you have completed the application make sure to hit “Submit” on the final page
***If you do not hit submit your application cannot be processed***
8. Plan your part! Create a great float entry that show cases your business or organization’s Huskie Pride
Any questions, contact Shavon Harden or Alex Pitner at
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