This year on November 11, at 11:11 a.m., over 500 Buglers all around the world will sound TAPS to honor all veterans from all wars, and to note the end of WWI. This display of brass will include military buglers, veteran buglers and civilian buglers that all have a common mission, to sound the haunting strains of the “end of day” and “end of life” musical tribute—Taps.
There are several organizations that help promote this mission, most notable are Bugles Across America and Taps for Veterans.
DeKalb County local military tribute will be held Sunday, November 11, at 11:11 a.m. and will be located at the Memorial Clock in downtown DeKalb at the corners of Lincoln Highway and 1st Streets. The event will be hosted by DeKalb American Legion Post 66 and Taps will be performed by Legion Post 66 Bugler, Michael Embrey. This formal event is open to the public, and a chance for all DeKalb County residents to show pride and honor all current military members and veterans.
World War I—known at the time as “The Great War”—officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.”
At the eleventh minute, eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, fighting in World War I ceased. The date would be forever marked as Armistice Day and 2018 marks the 100th anniversary.
Though the armistice of November 1918 halted the fighting, it did not lead to immediate unconditional surrender by the German government. Numerous small-scale, post-war military conflicts lingered on for more than a year after peace in Western Europe was concluded. The armistice had to be prolonged three times, in December, 1918 and in January and February, 1919, before the Treaty of Versailles ratified it.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:
“Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
“Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
“Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.”
As Americans there is a very simple way to honor our current veterans and military members: just say … “Thank you for your service.”
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I hope we will hear it on U-Tube too.
I will see if I can livestream it
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