The following DeKalb County Planning, Zoning and Building, County Board and Property Owner Public Hearings are coming up:
Reopening of Special Use Permit for EDF Renewable Development, Inc. .pdf | ||
EDF Renewable Development, Inc. is proposing to erect a wind testing tower on a portion of a property located on the east side of McQueen Road between Mowers Road and State Route 64 in South Grove Township. However, towers and other such essential service structures are a Special Use in the A-1, Agricultural District, which is the zoning of the 80-acre farm parcel on which the tower is proposed. In order to construct the wind testing tower, a Special Use Permit must be approved by the DeKalb County Board. Before a Special Use Permit can be granted, a public hearing must be held before the DeKalb County Zoning Hearing Officer. A public hearing regarding the application was held on January 26, 2017. Afterwards, the Hearing Officer forwarded a recommendation of approval of the Special Use permit, with conditions. The Planning and Zoning Committee of the DeKalb County Board considered the Hearing Officer’s Findings and Recommendation, and decided to return the application to the Hearing Officer to re-open the hearing and take additional testimony from the public and petitioners.The public hearing on the requested Special Use for EDF Renewable Development, Inc. will be re-opened by the DeKalb County Hearing Officer on Thursday, April 6, 2017, at 5:30 p.m., in the DeKalb County Legislative Center, Gathertorium, 200 N. Main, Sycamore, IL, 60178. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and be heard. The Special Use Permit application,Petition SG-17-1, is available for inspection at the DeKalb County Planning Department, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, (815) 895-7188. | ||
PIN: 05-19-100-007 .pdf | ||
Christie Hardt and Robert DeCosta are proposing to operate a larger breeding and boarding facility for dogs on property located at 6367 East Clare Road in Mayfield Township. New uses would include more boarding, breeding, the sale of bred puppies and the sale of imported puppies. However, the property is zoned A-1, Agricultural District, and the existing dog kennel operates under a Special Use Permit. The proposed changes in operation and uses require approval of an Amendment to the Special Use Permit. Before a Special Use Permit can be amended by the DeKalb County Board, a public hearing must be held before the DeKalb County Hearing Officer. Christie Hardt and Robert DeCosta have requested approval of such an Amendment to a Special Use Permit for the proposed changes in operation and uses associated with the dog kennel at 6367 East Clare Road. A public hearing will be held before the DeKalb County Hearing Officer on Thursday, April 27, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East, south entrance, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, 60178. Because this will be the only opportunity for public input on this application, all interested persons are encouraged to attend and be heard. The Special Use Permit petition, MY-17-04, is available for inspection at the DeKalb County Planning, Zoning and Building Department, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, (815) 895-7188. | ||
P.I.N. 11-02-300-011 .pdf | ||
Freund Real Estate, LLC currently operates pre-existing, legal, non-conforming use, in the form of an automotive and truck repair facility on property located at 10255 Keslinger Road. Changing industry standards have necessitated that the existing facility be enlarged so to better accommodate newer vehicle sizes. However, the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance does not allow for the expansion of a non-conforming use. In order to allow for the needed expansion of the facility, Freund Real Estate, LLC is asking to rezone the property from BC, Business Conservation District, to PD-I, Planned Development Industrial District. Before the County Board can approve a rezoning, a public hearing must be held before the DeKalb County Hearing Officer. Freund Real Estate, LLC is proposing a Zoning Map Amendment for the property located at 10255 Keslinger Road in unincorporated Afton Township. A public hearing will be held by the DeKalb County Hearing Officer on Thursday, April 27, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, East Conference Room, south entrance, 110 E. Sycamore St., Sycamore, IL 60178. All interested persons are encouraged to attend and be heard, as this will be the only opportunity for public input on the application. The petition, AF-17-5, is available for inspection at the DeKalb County Planning, Zoning, and Building Department, 110 E. Sycamore Street, Sycamore, IL, (815) 895-7188. |
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