Get in on the 24th Annual Pumpkin Pedal Bike Tour this Sunday, October 4th, 2015. This is a wonderful ride for both families and serious riders. Bicyclists can choose to ride 10-, 20- or 26 mile routes on the Great Western Trail or a 40- or 62 mile road ride.
All rides will begin and end at the Sycamore Speedway in Maple Park. This new location will take riders away from heavy traffic areas. Riders will enjoy scenic, rural Kane County’s beautiful fall landscape as they complete their trek. Rest stops are provided throughout the route to give riders a chance to enjoy light refreshments.
All you have to do is bring your bike and helmet, your family, your friends and pedal. They will take care of the rest! You’ll find: Rest stops with snacks, Emergency mechanical support and a delicious post-ride meal at Sycamore Speedway from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. A vegetarian option will be available.
Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and bicyclists may start any time between 7:45-10 a.m. All routes will be cleared at 3 p.m.
By collecting pledges for your ride, you can earn valuable prizes! Prizes are cumulative. To learn more read the brochure and pledge form here. Why ride? Besides the fun you’ll have and the great people you’ll meet, you’ll be riding to help Special Olympics Illinois athletes. Your entry will support year-round training and competition opportunities for Illinois athletes with intellectual disabilities. To learn more please visit .
Please observe the following:
Bike helmets required!
Stay to the right.
Pass cyclists and walkers on the left and say “passing on your left”.
Drink plenty of water.
Do not ride 2 or more abreast.
STOP at all road crossings.
Children under 16 must ride with an adult.
Stop at stop signs and yield Right of Way.
Follow all Rules of the Road which apply to both cars and cyclists.
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